Friday, June 26, 2009

March Madness!!!!!!!!!!!

Nope no basketball here, who had time??????
March brought a wirlwind of fun & exciting activites with it. Ginny got married on March 7th to the cute boy, Chris, she brought home with her for Christmas. They were married in the Orlando temple and the reception was held in Jeremy & Laura's backyard. Everyone worked really hard to get everything ready, we did the catering ourselves and Jeremy & the boys did alot of work to make the yard absolutely beautiful and it was a magical evening!
The weekend after was spring break so Barry & his family came up to go camping with us @ St. Joe State Park. It's probably my favorite campground of all time!Beautiful white sand & dunes, great views, out of the way, lots of wild life, it's my vision of heaven on earth!
We spent our days on the beach, playing in the sand & surf and our nights cooking & playing games by campfire. Ben came along too & Amber was in town for the weekend so fun was had by all!
The end of March is the beginning of the Annand Birthday months. Adam started off the celebration with Strawberry Shortcake...YUM and got a new fishing pole the boys picked out for him, a new fishing hat & DC comics lounge pants, he is afterall Superman!

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