Friday, June 26, 2009

April Activity Abridgement

Andrew's birthday was on the 3rd. He chose to take 3 of his buddies from school to go see the 3-D movie Monsters vs. Aliens and go out for pizza! The whole family tagged along and it was a cute movie & everyone had fun! I like a doof forgot my camera so I only have pictures from the family Cookie cake & present celebration that night.
He got some new clothes, I had to since he's outgrown nearly EVERYTHING he has! A new Nintendo DS game, a movie & GORMITIS (little action figures he wanted really bad).

Doesn't look like a kid who is PUMPED about his birthday!!!!!!!!!

For Easter we made the trip to Brandon for the weekend. Kassi had been out of town visiting her mom and was flying in late on Friday, so we had a sig sleep over @ Aunt Laura's & Uncle Jeremy's, Braden & Lincoln got to sleep over too so Uncle Barry could go to the airport & pick her up. On Saturday morning we got up early to go to the Easter Egg hunt & breakfast in the park @ the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center, it turned out to be a let down as they weren't doing an official easter egg hunt as we had thought, but a killer game of follow the leader, led by Uncle Adam & Uncle Jeremy, through the strets of down town Tampa proved to be entertaining for all who participated and watched alike!
And then Easter Sunday arrived, we went to church with Grandma & Papa and then went to their house for a Yummy lunch of Steak & Dad's now famous Shrimp Carbinara! It was to die for! Then the Easter bunny left some surprises for the kids, 268 of them to be exact, and the fun continued as the search for easter eggs full of sweets & money began! Some people couldn't wait and just raided the M&M stash....AMBER!
Then everyone just sat around and enjoyed the spoils of the hunt! Looks good Lincoln, what ya got there Braden, can you share with Daddy.....PLEEEEAAAASSEEEE??????????????

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